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Barba Negra

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Posts posted by Barba Negra

  1. 12 hours ago, FliP said:

    Não quero soar como se estivesse defendendo jogadores asiáticos, mas há novamente dois lados de uma moeda sobre sua vantagem de conhecimento.

    Claro, os asiáticos estão muito à frente de nós atualmente porque sabem como maximizar sua eficiência. No entanto, eles nem sempre estarão à frente. Em algum momento, as pessoas atingirão o nível máximo e a única diferença será a sorte de se encantar.

    Você também pode olhar de um ângulo diferente. Se os asiáticos não estivessem muito à frente, o resto do servidor não teria acesso a determinados itens e equipamentos que só caem em áreas de nível mais alto. Ter acesso a esses itens anteriormente ajuda muito as pessoas em sua jornada. Se não fosse por asiáticos, não teríamos visto armas do Spirit, peças do Cavaleiro das Trevas e acessórios do Brother / Sister há 2 semanas, mas talvez apenas um dia ou dois atrás.

    Eu não tolero compra / venda de ouro, mas eles simplesmente jogam à nossa frente e nos vendem coisas que não poderíamos obter ainda não parece um problema tão grande para mim quanto as pessoas tentam fazê-lo.

    Também há jogadores que têm algum conhecimento sobre o jogo desde o último lançamento há 6 anos e um pouco do servidor coreano, incluindo eu mesmo, mas ninguém se queixa de termos uma "vantagem injusta". Talvez porque não somos asiáticos? Isso é apenas racista e ignorante.

    Masang deve apenas se livrar de atividades maliciosas, como botting e venda de ouro, e deixar todo mundo curtir o jogo, não importa de onde você é.

    Returning to the subject of the black belts (Asian players) and white belts (rest of the world), 
    imagine that not only the superiority of the black belts on the white ones, the black belt still use 
    a forbidden blow on the white, the judge (game master) pretends not to have seen and the white Belt
    breaks the arm(Lose your item and exp), never again the white belt will be able or want to fight ...
    As I said in the post above, the Macao (Korean) player besides having superior experience bought many 
    Bows, he bought several bows leaving the own use +10 without any effort inside the game and killed all 
    of the Lizard camp, including he almost kills me, have you ever wondered if he had been able to kill me
    and I dropped my only item of value? while I would spend days to recover, in case I did not give up, he
    would simply open the illegal site and buy more thousands of Florins making several others give up ...
    I say and I repeat, white belt fight with white belt is fair, however if the white belt meets an Asian
    site it will use prohibited strike and the cycle of people giving up will be greater than those that 
    will enter the game.
    Are you really not understanding or are you pretending to be a good boy wanting to protect illegal 
    program users?
    Do you buy Florins on their sites?
    First point, all sites or 99% selling florins advertised by bots are Asian.
    if you like them so much because you do not leave that server and use vpn like them and will play on 
    the server exclusive to them?
    if you do not know this server is unique to the West.
    review your thoughts.


    Asian players already have the advantage of knowledge (maps where you should jump, things to do and how to use the best time spent) and even if they did not wear bots they would already be unbalanced, it's like a fighter white Belt  with a black Belt, the white belt can do everything the black does, but the knowledge is not the same, soon the black will always be at an advantage.

    Going back to the bots is clear the frequency that the Asian players use them, the video quoted here in the post is just one of the hundreds of streans that show the florin vendors doing their job. The site that appears in the video (sue the company, ban the participants, a Game Master just stay 30 minutes on the site Afreeka.tv and you will see countless ways to ban these players).

    Even today the Macao player was in lizard camp killing everyone with his bow coming from bots and Asian players, I was almost victim, I had to teleport and wait his good will to leave, playing that way is not funny.

    If the game continues this way, I'll go to some game where the administration at least
    Listen the players.
