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The game is over

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Greetings Everyone,


I'm feeling lazy so I'll translate totally automatically, sorry for that.


I created a post warning about the slow death of the game and its main causes, the post was the most viewed of the forum and the one with the biggest reactions and answers, unfortunately the contents of the game is over. link (http://forums.dk.masanggames.com/index.php?/topic/123-report-dk-online-dying-slowly-or-reborn-to-die/)


Now there are no players or active guilds (just Chaotic, Moonlight and TurkishPunch) only have bots and even they are few.


What do I suggest?



I suggest you close the game or at least update the content with everything that still has to come to respect the remaining players while they are still playing.

I really liked the game, I founded a guild with my friends 6 friends and today only 1 continues playing with me guild. I wait for the content of Sieges but unlike the last time it closed this time there is no amount of players playing.


It was good while it lasted, we'll see what will happen in the next few days.


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Essa merda ja era, ninguem aguenta mais ficar fazendo a msma coisa todo dia, essa equipe pegou um pendrive de 2012 com o prototipo do jogo e botou online do jeito que estava e foda-se, ao que tudo indica o unico proposito desse jogo foi lucrar, visto a ausencia de conteudo e a loja cash cara para um caralho. 
Ai vão falar "a tem pvp pra quem ta entediado", não, não tem pvp, só tem anemico com teleport scroll metendo banca de pvpzudo.

E ta escrito em Pt-br mesmo porque a opnião desses gringo bot não vale nada e eles não precisam entender, e a equipe também não le forum. 


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ah se alguem tiver o bot dos korea me passa que eu quero deixar 52 char farmando pra acaba logo com o mercado xd

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2 minutes ago, Butzke said:

Essa merda ja era, ninguem aguenta mais ficar fazendo a msma coisa todo dia, essa equipe pegou um pendrive de 2012 com o prototipo do jogo e botou online do jeito que estava e foda-se, ao que tudo indica o unico proposito desse jogo foi lucrar, visto a ausencia de conteudo e a loja cash cara para um caralho. 
Ai vão falar "a tem pvp pra quem ta entediado", não, não tem pvp, só tem anemico com teleport scroll metendo banca de pvpzudo.

E ta escrito em Pt-br mesmo porque a opnião desses gringo bot não vale nada e eles não precisam entender, e a equipe também não le forum. 


Concordo plenamente, queira ou não só alguns players/guilds tentaram manter o jogo vivo.

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I use google translation.

With this attitude to the game, it can not exist  !! 1- in the chat there is not even 1 moderator, in the chat 99% of the messages are the "bot" selling currency, communication between players is impossible  2- Korean players and their bots broke the game, its economy, the cost of goods 3- In the game, weapons and armor enhancement can be bought for 20,000 and 50,000 as well as part of the equipment itself, so if bots get gold in the game, the game is impossible !!!

Without GM's participation in the game, there are no chances for the development of the game and its stable online, the game will be online for 100-170 people in 2-3 months !!!

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hola queria saber que paso con el juego o sea ayer trabaje todo el dia hoy entre y lo veo bastante caido con poca gente.. mi gremio eran todos re activos todos los dias, ahora los activos somos 8 o 9 antes eramos mas de 20 todos los dias! 

ya se termino? la verdad me gustaba mucho el juego 😞 no lo quiero dejar. queria LLEGAR A LOS PVP Y SIEGUES 

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No new content, no high lvl zone, full of Korean players and guilds, full of bot/maccro players... Dont ask why players are leaving...

Game is died since 1 month

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leme add,

DQs at +40 gives no EXP at all, like Tokens of pagan Quest (LVL 30 Quests) gives 40.000 EXP, Dark Elf 55.000 EXP

Towstool (LoL) gives like 15.000 only while it needs to give 150.000 EXP ( 1 of them can send u back to town if u don't spam looots of pots presuming u don't hit teleport scroll to run from mob)

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Can i point out that you're supposed to grind low until you're adequately geared to grind higher? If you're chugging pots and you're not using Premium Points you're doing it wrong. 

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