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Discussion 2


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  1. kanwulf


    What's the purpose of paladin in this game ? İf we even try to kill monsters/slots in PVE we have the lowest damage and it's literally a torture. İf we wanna play with party we can't act like a tank because the aggo mark always switches players between who give the highest damage. ( and paladin has the lowest damage. ) So mobs don't even follow us. All the other classes , even the shitty Warrior gets 3 levels a day when a paladin can get one ! You would think the defence and health would make up for it but it doesn't. What good is the health and defence when the mobs don't follow me and i can't give any damage ? İ can't be a tank nor an attacker.When i am trying to kill one monster my sorcerer and archer friend are killing 4-5 monsters. Sorcerer gets all the mobs and kills everyone with ONE SKİLL. ARCHER JUST SPAMS ARROWS AND KİLLS MOBS EASİLY. WHAT İS THE PURPOSE OF PALADİN İN THİS GAME ? İ use to enjoy playing paladin years ago but now it is miserable. PLEASE BUFF PALADİN.