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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/18/19 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    Since it has been mentioned, and to address another reason why people leave the game, is the steep difficulty curve. I understand that DK Online is a Hardcore MMO and that is fine by me, because I know the enjoyment that lies within end-game. However, most players that have never played the game do not have the motivation to endure the endless grind until end-game. Most people don't even stick around until Lv30. The game should not be made any easier, but more convenient for the player. My proposal is to add more side-quests that are appropriate for the players level and gear score, add better quest rewards. Players also complain that they spend more money on potions than they make with killing monsters, so lower the price of potions. Give players an incentive to keep leveling. After getting your mount at Lv25, there is no other milestone to aim for. Something to think about would be a instanced Battleground (10v10 Capture the Flag) that people can play if they are bored from killing monsters, but still want to earn experience and florin. It has been proposed before and it is a good idea to add daily login rewards. It gives players an incentive to at least log in every day and just maybe some of them will keep playing. Add some kind of "New Adventurer Bag" that players can open each 5 levels and contains useful convenience items such as potions, exp boosts, transformations etc. This also gives an incentive to level further to see the contents of the next New Adventurer Bag you can open, as long as the content is actually useful. The state of the game currently is that only dedicated players, that have experienced the game before, are sticking around and pushing to reach max level. Those will leave eventually if new players quit the game leaving them not having to compete and fight with someone.
  2. 1 point
    Thank you for having said clearly, what people are thinking softy .... We have 0 real GM In-Game... The game is launched and nobody for the maintenance of the game ..? To have a good game issues and not be spammed with all this GOld Seller ...? And what's about us begin's questions ...? And other questions like, what the real % of enchants, why we have some items possible to get but not the good craft material ( ex : Holy Water ?! ) The launching was really shitty. We was like more of 2K the week of the start and now ...? We meet always the same Username in same place .. Why ? Cause we have <2> GM's present in this forum, and that all ... No real issue from Topic/Discussion from Steam too ... Maybe cause them are from Asia too ..? IDK but it's really strange ... Try to Open Game Master or Game Helper Candidature, where we can have an futur help without spend some time on the Steam discussion / Forum or Tickets for a answer we will never had... Maybe it's the time to change your policy about your < compagny >, cause it's not like this you will continue to have more player's. Like this thread: I was asking simply if it's possible to translate the client and published it(after checking it) .. IDK you not have someone to pay for this but you don't want reply .. This feel so disappointed. And it's not only this, some people want try them candidature about some roles of this game like here : I don't know him. But just the feeling about not having an answer about No we are not plannified to open candidature, or just ' thanks for this, we are thinking about it blablabla ... ' No just ( I Think ) You read it, and at the line of the end you print it, and go to toilet with it for clean yourself. It's the feeling we have all get it. Of course you say ' Yes we have a Dev' team ' But where them are ..? Who's are them ..? Maybe we have more chance to commuicate with them, than with you. Plus you could open candidature for < each > nation's we have Italian Player, Portugese, Spanish, Brazil , AND FRENCHY ( Like me) Player, who would like to join the role of moderation for each communication, we could speak English & us Main langage ... ? What's the better plan for making a good moderation and having more player's from other country, as far ? So thanks everyone who have take the time to read YaY ! Sorry for some faults of grammar And please don't print it and go on toilet with ! - Arius
  3. 1 point
    basically that issue is the one 90% of players don't give a single damn. Here is our list of "known issues": - gold spam - bots - quest translations - skills started to lagg (that wasn't case on launch day, or day after) - silly prices on cash shop - "30days" stuff (spend money on something that will expire in 30 days, so you can buy it again?) that's just taken from what community says... but hey, ofc you don't know it cuz nobody of you guys even dared to enter the game. If you did, at least those bots would be banned and spam would be solved. Ofc, your priority is PREMIUM merchant /facepalm EDIT: and yes, i'm annoyed af with this "announcement" cuz I saw no replies on IMPORTANT TOPICS whatsoever.