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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/20/19 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    Dear Masang/ Playerbase, For those of you not savvy to the current state of the in-game Consignment Auction House, Player Inventories/ Bags, and open looting in the world, please allow me to describe what is going on. Firstly, players are missing items that are equipped, in-bag, storage, or even in the consignment house storage. These losses also do include Florin/ Gold amounts. The bug continues to cause issues if you attempt to unequip and re-equip items they can disappear, become "not there" in your bag. Item drops in open world become stuck in the game floor and cannot be picked up 1/3rd of the time. You can see this demonstrated in Laden. These issues are unacceptable. Please, for the sake of your players, the game, and the server. Do an immediate restart to attempt to resolve issues. If not, compensation and an in-depth inspection of game mechanics needs to be done ASAP. Please, Arlem
  2. 2 points
    My helmet is missing, what should I do? at 16:30 my storage was bugged I could not take anything or put, I tried to watch and my helmet disappeared, what should I do?
  3. 1 point
    ...is a joke. Are Warriors expected to auto-attack until Lv50 before they get their first useful skill? Warriors have no AoE Skills whatsoever until Lv50. We have Death Swing, but that cannot be considered a skill but more as a special attack, as you can't use it whenever you want. PvE really is a joke when Warriors have to struggle due to lack of skills watching Sorceresses pull 10 mobs behind them and kill them within a few hits with their massive AoE attacks. Even Warlocks and Archers are in a better situation.
  4. 1 point
    i did it 50x kkkkk nice game, nice support
  5. 1 point
    I lost 5% exp because i was unable to use return scroll or even one of my potions becaus "this item doesn't exist"... Sure, i don't have 400 pots in my bag Thank you for my death I really hope a restart or fix or rollback AND compensation. I spent money in this game, i wasn't expect to have an unstable one Just see by yourself
  6. 1 point
    At this moment the game is completly bugged (drop can't be pickup, can't trade, auction house displaying only 3 pages...) Hope they will fix it and about you, just cross your fingers to get your helmet back
  7. 1 point
    I made 3 purchases in bitcoin 1 day ago of 30, 10 and 5 dolars, there have been 6 confirmations and it has not been credited to my account My Wallet : 1FMJ7QDqVvitjxTp6UirJfr1qoBYnc1VhP Character : Revolta
  8. 1 point
    its 20 years of online gaming... nothing else.
  9. 1 point
    In my opinion, if this game die (and it will really quick) its because as free to play player you are unable to properly play the game in order to compete, simple as that. You are forced to spend money in order to make your efforts ingame be worth something, when you are in the end-game, your routine is basicaly resume to buy tons of potions and move to the spot to farm and hope for a drop that pay out the potions plus extra to gear up, thats it, thats all about it. First of all, if you dont have the memory teleport bracelet witch allow u to teleport to anywhere you want, you have to move to the grind spot spending alot of time AND gold, because meanwhile you going to the place you also getting hit by mobs and you spending pots there too. Secondly, the speed and effectiveness of your kills are hugely reduce, this means that you cant aim for the best spots you could with your gear without the consumables, you need to downgrade the spot and go to a less hard mobs because you cant handle the same as with cash shop consumables you could. Everything goes down, slower, worse, overtime the difference between free to play and spending money is huge, and this is only the begining, we are not even on the situation where enchanting comes in the play, because currently there is no cash shop still for that purpose, but it will just like the chinese and korean version, u can be sure about it. In short, what kill the game is the p2w, end of story.
  10. 1 point
    This is a korean game, developed by koreans and mainly played by koreans, there is other games out there with pretty much the same features as this one in the korean market, damage text display is one of the characteristic, without hp bar on mobs was another of those (later added on this version) the lack of information regarding your attack/perfomance vs the enemy is one of the key elements of this kind of mmo's that adds the unknown, the interest is keep and motivation too. It doents make that obvious when someone outperform, so everyone keep their hope and motivation to keep playing, this is one of the keys on the korean market for people not to quit the game, this kind of mmo's are considered a race, when you are obviously behind and you know you never gonna win, you lose the motivation, stop spending money and just quit the game, you dont keep playing. Because of this they hide in some way the information that makes too obvious whos in the head in the game, you can still see the ranks, but the idea is for you to keep thinking that you still can defeat them because you are not aware of the huge difference there is. Regarding bots, there is nothing that can be done, this is common on this mmo's because of the basic desing of the game, if the rewards are given once you kill endless mobs, so there is gonna be bots no matter what, it doents matter if you could have a tool that instaban then once every 2hours, because in that time they could make enough to consider it to be worth and they will keep going with it, thats it. The problem is not the bot itself, the problem is the player that buy the gold, thats the problem, if they could ban the people that obviously buy gold, the problem would end, but they will never succed on this because there is always one way or another to transfer gold without being too obvious a purchase. So the only solution would be to limit the earnings of grind, but then it will literaly kill the game because thats the core of the game itself. About the agro of paladin, well, to be honest, this game has no balance at all in the way we are used to see other mmo's balance, this game does not have the classes balanced for you to be able to play them with similar purposes, what i mean is that you dont pick ''tank'' because you want to ''tank or be the one in the front line'' you dont pick ''dps'' because you want to be ''reasons'' On this game the classes perform with unknown balance or reason, i dont know if they are just not balanced because of poor desing (most probably) or because they serve a purpose behind all, witch im not able to see. What we have there is: -Sorcerer, Warlock and Archer range classes that outperform in 95% of the situations to the other 2 mele clases, Paladin and Warrior. -Sorcerer, Warlock are autosuficient to endless farm without the need to use consumables at the early-mid game. -Sorcerer, Warlock have also aoe skills at early levels that will let you progress faster than others at the early-mid game. -Paladin and Warrior dont have skills to actualy do damage to the enemys, so they basicaly just do autoattacks untill mid-end game. In top of this, you need to understand how this game works, here the ''max hp'' or ''defense'' in pve means nothing, it doents matter if you have 10k hp or if you have 1k hp, if you take 1dmg you have to restore 1hp. Lets put an example so you understand what im talking about. Case 1, Paladin, you have 1000hp and take 20 dmg per hit, you take 10 hits to kill the enemy, you lost 200hp that equals to 10 potions. Case 2, Sorcerer, you have 300hp and take 40 dmg per hit, you take 2 hits to kill the enemy, you lost 80hp that equals to 4 potions. In this example, you can clearly see Sorcerer is much better than Paladin, take in consideration that potions have 1sec cooldown, so its not about who is able to survive longer either, because that would only mean who run out of potions first, with this what i mean is that ''tanking'' is just holding the potion button and burn the hell out of it, thats it, thats what ''tanking'' means on this game, you took the agro and you hold the potion button untill you run out and die or someone take your agro, why the hell would you want to tank then, and tank what, there is nothing to tank, on this mmo the only boses that are in the world most of the times are not even worth the potions you use to kill them, specialy if your gear is low.